This is what we see when we go to get Daisy out of her crib. She scoots to the end of her bed and pushes down the bumper pads so she can see the door. She also does this when I put her in her bed to sleep but she doesn't smile like that at bedtime!
Here is Lily practicing some soccer moves! I had a really funny picture and story to tell you about Lily, but she has threatened to never speak to me again if I post anything about it! I will talk to her and maybe we'll share the story another day! I am giggling right now just thinking about it!
This is what I see when I pick the kids up from school. They are all so excited to see me they run to the car. Yeah right! Bailey doesn't fly to me EVERY day!
This is what happens when Ashton has chocolate pudding for a snack: a mustache and chin goatee. Funny funny! On an unrelated note, at school, on Earth Day they were talking about different ways to help the planet. I guess they talked about how everyone should turn their power off for 60 seconds that night. When Ashton got home from school he said "Mom, if you power down today, you will turn green!"
Daisy loved Lily's Birthday balloons. Ashton snuck them out of Lily's room and Daisy was chasing him all over the upstairs trying to get them from him!
He's actually been doing this for a while but I FINALLY remembered to get a picture of Bailey riding his bike with NO training wheels. He likes to ride in the rocks and hits any bumps he can! On Easter he wanted everyone to come out and see how he could ride so we all watched from the driveway while he rode up and down the sidewalk. As he was riding by the neighbors he was watching us and didn't see the big truck that was partially parked on the sidewalk. He slammed right in to the truck and we had to pull him and his bike out from underneath the truck. Luckily he is a big fan of the helmet, knee pads and elbow pads!
Daisy is really getting to be a good scooter! She's getting fast and thinks she's very special because she can now escape from her room! You have to see it from both angles to really get the full effect!

Daisy is really getting to be a good scooter! She's getting fast and thinks she's very special because she can now escape from her room! You have to see it from both angles to really get the full effect!