Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Mugs - Soft and Sweet

Are you in need of a mindless Monday Blog post? Are you struggling to deal with the weekend being over and can't muster the strength to type a single word? Well, Monday Mugs is for YOU! I may or may not "borrow" ideas from IheartFaces and post my interpretation of their weekly theme. Without submitting my photo for judgement and without being forced to follow the rules.

Mondays are hard! Blogging on Mondays shouldn't be!

Today's theme for Monday Mugs is: Soft and Sweet

I have been working on Daisy's Baby Scrapbook Album so her pictures were easily accessible for today's post. I have MANY soft and sweet pics of the other kids but I am still trying to get them caught up on the homework they missed while we were out of town (they also missed a day last week due to more vomit). Any way, no time to hunt down their pictures.
Here is my Soft and Sweet Daisy.

3 days old

5 months old
 8 months
9 months
10 months
If you are in need of a simple Monday post, JOIN ME! Grab my
button from the sidebar and link up your own post!

Next week's theme will be: Mother
**I will be taking an extended Blogcation.
Too many projects not enough time! Kim from 'Pair' Slices has
very kindly agreed to host Monday Mugs for me! 
Please link up next week at Kim's blog!**