Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What Would Your Children Say Wednesday

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Blog Award! Yipee!!

This award comes with some rules and a survey I have to fill out.
1. You Can Only Use One Word!
2. Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers!
3. Alert them that you have given them this award!
4. Have Fun!
The Fun Part
1. Where is your cell phone? car
2. Your hair? blonde
3. Your mother? home
4. Your father? gunshow
5. Your favorite food? avocado
6. Your dream last night? sleep
7. Your favorite drink? Dr Pepper
8. Your dream/goal? whalewatching
9. What room are you in? hallway
10. Your hobby? scrapbooking
11. Your fear? loss
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Hawaii
13. Where were you last night? bed
14. Something that you aren’t? tall
15. Muffins? pumpkin
16. Wish list item? laptop
17. Where did you grow up? SLC
18. Last thing you did? typed
19. What are you wearing? capris
20. Your TV? flat
21. Your pets? fish
22. Friends? family
23. Your life? good
24. Your mood? happy
25. Missing someone? no
26. Vehicle? minivan
27. Something you’re not wearing? earrings
28. Your favorite store? Target
29. Your favorite color? lovethemall
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? babybday
32. Your best friend? donn
33. One place that I go to over and over? chipotle
34. One person who emails me regularly? stephany
35. Favorite place to eat? lots
and now I get to pass this award onto 6 of my favorite bloggers:
Clueless Mama - Guessing All The Way
Brandi - My Three Bubs
Kari - p.s. love.love.
LucieP - By His Hands, We Are Fed
Debbie - Heart Choices
April - Desires of the Heart
If you made it through all of the award business, I have a special treat for you: Comedy at my expense!
Today was soccer games for all the kids. I overheated at the boys' 9am game so I decided to observe Lily's game from the airconditioned comfort of the minivan. I even brought a tv to keep the boys occupied. About half way through the game, Bailey decided he HAD to go to the bathroom. There are only porta-potties at this park and I didn't want to lug EVERYONE out in to the heat. We had an empty cup in the car so I told him to just "go" in the cup and then we would dump it out. I was sitting on the edge of one of the middle seats and he stepped to the back of the van to relieve himself. All of a sudden, I feel something hitting my back. I think to myself "That CAN"T be what I think it is!" I turned around and much to my horror Bailey was spraying the entire back of the car like an out of control fire hose! I started screaming for him to stop but he wasn't sure how to control the spray and the cup at the same time. So I continued to get sprayed in the back! I was NOT happy, but I hope you enjoyed this story!

Friday, September 25, 2009
A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That

Monday, September 21, 2009
Why Read My Blog - Blog Hop

Reason #2

Reason #3

Reason #4

Reason #5

p.s. if you checked all those links, you are a ROCK STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Special thanks to Purell Hand Sanitizer for sponsoring this blog hop.
I ♥ Faces - Completely Candid

Friday, September 18, 2009
Five Questions Friday

Alrighty then! I am going to participate in Mama M's "Five Questions Friday"
Here goes!
1. What's your favorite line from a movie?
-My favorites, that I can remember right now, are from kids' movies that I have seen a million times. First from Monster's Inc when Mike sings "Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.....so help me.....so help me....and cut!" I really love that movie
And 2nd, I love the movie Cats and Dogs. We call the kids Scooby Dufus all the time. And I love it when Mr. Tinklestein gets out of the bath and his friend says "I love your fur! It's very slimming!"
And duh! I almost forgot my VERY VERY favorite: "As You Wish." Do you know what movie that is from? Oh Man! My ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!
2. What "group" did you belong to in high school? Goths, jocks, preps, drama, nerds?
-I didn't really belong to any "group" in high school. I was almost anti-social. I had a couple of good friends that I spent most of my time with. But if there was a "cool girl" in a class of mine that didn't have another "cool friend" to cling to, they would always sort of hang with me. I don't know?
3. If you had $1000 just for yourself what would you spend it on?
-new clothes, scrapbook supplies, pedicure, facial, dinner and a movie with Daddy D. All in the same day, please! -or- I would really love a laptop.
4. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
-I LOVE Tom & Jerry!!! My kids love it too and if it's on it is always our first pick of cartoons to watch!
5. What kind of sleeper are you? Back? Tummy? Side? Sprawler?
-I sleep twisted, which leaves my arms in severe pain most days. From about my waist down, I sleep on my stomach. From the waist up I sleep on my side. It really doesn't sound very comfortable and I wake-up A LOT with my arms asleep. My feet never sleep under the covers!
Let's hear your answers to these questions! Visit Mama M at Five Crooked Halos to get the deets!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What Would Your Children Say Wednesday

Monday, September 14, 2009
Things That Make Me Go "Hmmmmm"

I Heart Faces - Contemplative
This weeks theme at I Heart Faces is Contemplative.
Visit I Heart Faces to see more contemplative photos.

Friday, September 11, 2009
A Sign and an Award
So, for the last couple of months, every once in a while, when I would ask Daisy if she wanted "more" of something I would also use the sign.

Last weekend, after Daisy had finished eating her first ever banana chocolate chip cookie she did this:
Silly Smartie! It took me two days to get her to perform for the camera. I'm so excited about her new skill that I'm going to try to teach her a few more signs. Here are a few that I found at Parents.com. **Update: My sister let me know that I forgot to add what the sign actually meant. I added the meanings to go with the actions! Man, I'm tired!** Mom - The thumb of the sideways "five" hand taps the side of the chin several times. Fingertips may wiggle.
Eat - The fingers and thumb, held together as if holding a small piece of food, tap the mouth several times.
Pain - The two index fingers tap together several times at the location of the pain. The face should show a pained expression.
Play - The "Y" hands are shaken, pivoting at the wrists, representing the shaking of a tambourine.
It has been almost a month since Brandi (one of my favorite bloggers) awarded me with this:
The rules here are to pass the award on to 7 bloggers who I think are honest in their blogging and to list 10 honest things about myself. Here goes:
1. I was born and raised in UT (any questions? It’s ok! Ask!) We now live in AZ and the only time I miss snow is at Christmas. Although, I occasionally missed snow at xmas even in UT.
2. I don’t color my hair. It used to be quite a bit lighter but has gotten darker with each baby. Not too bad though for someone with dark eyebrows!
4. My Mom and I both have twins. Twins don’t run in the family, infertility does. Gotta love chlomid!
5. I am terrified of spiders and the only way I dare to kill them is to throw phonebooks at them! My brave Bailey has to rescue me sometime and he will put a jar over the spider so Daddy can dispose of it when he gets home.
6. I am a ScrapLifter. I love to scrapbook, but I am not creative. Proper photo placement is not my "thing." I can however follow a pattern. Anyway, when my family looks at our albums they aren't going to know that I copied the layouts from somebody else!
7. I do not like to eat meat unless it is surrounded by some sort of bread/bun!
OK, this is why it has taken me a month! My sleep deprived mind can't think of anything else right now. I will add more if I can come up with anything else of interest!
And I am going to pass the award on to:
Made in Canarias
Pair Slices
Personalized Sketches and Sentiments
A Nut in a Nutshell
Clay in His Hands
Messy Cars and Muddy Shoes
Granola Mom 4 God
Thank you and Goodnight!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What Would Your Children Say Wednesday

I was going through Lily's baby box the other day and found this story. So glad I wrote these things down because this is not a "moment" that I remember!
January 16, 2004
Lily and I were playing dolls. She told me that all 3 of her babies were named Aliah.
I asked "How do you keep them all straight"
Lily replied "Oh, I just iron them!"
Here are some photos of my humorous honey from early 2004:

Click on over to http://familyamericanstyle.blogspot.com/ for a midweek comedy session!