The kids are home for 2 weeks for Spring Break. The weather is so nice we went for a walk yesterday.
Daisy loves to play on the floor in her room. She rolls around from toy to toy.

Daisy has 2 teeth! They are sharp and she thinks it's fun to grab our fingers and shove them in her mouth and then bite! Ouch!!
Lily's friend Michaela spent the night last night. They stayed up way too late and got up way too early! Watch out! The crankiness comes next!
**update** As of 9pm Thursday, Lily has not been cranky at all and just keeps saying that it has been such a fun day!!

On the last day of February it was almost 90 degrees. The boys wore shorts, sleeveless shirts and flip flops. IN FEBRUARY!

Here is Daisy in action, rolling over. She's a professional and likes to sleep on her tummy now!

Lily worked really hard to make her AR Goal this quarter (Accelerated Reader). We had to read books then she would take a test on them at school. She was one of only six kids in her class to make their goal! Way to go Lily!!!

The other day, the boys were feeling bad because Lily got to go play with a friend and they had to stay home. I told them I would get them a little treat when we went to the store. They decided to share a bag of rainbow twizlers. **They didn't eat all of those at once!**