Tuesday, December 15, 2009

True Story Tuesday - A Late Night Mess

Ok guys. This is my first time participating in True Story Tuesday with Rachel at Once Upon A Miracle. Join the fun or at the very least, go check out her post today! SO FUNNY!!!

A few nights ago, I was sitting at the computer catching up on my blog reading. It was late. Our computer desk is in the hallway just outside the boys bedroom. I heard some rustling sounds in the boys room and a few minutes later, Ashton came stumbling out with his "business" hanging out of his pants.
I said "Hey bud, what ya doin?"
He stared at me blankly.
I asked "Do you need to go to the bathroom?"
He blinked once and started PEEING on the floor!
I jumped up out of the chair and started yelling (trying not to wake up the other children) at him to STOP and tried to get him in to the bathroom. He didn't budge! When he was done, he gave me one last glassy eyed stare, tucked "himself" away and turned around and got back in bed. I'm pretty sure he was sound asleep! I was left standing in the hallway, dumbfounded, with quite a mess to clean up!

He is going to kill me someday for telling this story on my public blog!


Kmama said...

LOL That's too funny. I have a great story about Jdaddy doing something similar. Hmm, might just have to post that!!

Barclay Kathryn said...

Oh my goodness, that is too funny!

Foursons said...

Hahaha- I wonder if he was thinking it was odd that you were in the bathroom watching him. That is funny. And my guess is that he won't be one big embarrassed- after all he IS a boy!

Foursons said...

big=bit. Sorry

Liz Mays said...

Does he remember any of that now?

He & Me + 3 said...

OH my goodness. that is just crazy. Stunt man wakes up groggy to go potty too and makes it to the bathroom but usually misses the potty. LOL

Brandi said...

LOL! Poor little guy... and poor mom for having to clean up a mess! My boys wake up in the middle of the night to pee and I swear they're not awake. Gosh, even when they are awake they can't hit the potty!!! ;)

Emily said...

That's hilarious!! Jack totally did that one time too...all of a sudden my hubs and I hear this weird water pouring sound and go into the hallway to see Jack leaning into the banister, peeing over the stairs! Totally asleep the whole time!

{Kimber} said...

OH MY WORD!!! how funny!!!!!!
yep...he's gonna hurt you one day for telling this story!

Angie Vik said...

Way too funny. That was no fun that you had to clean up that mess. My brother did that once when we were in middle school. We were camping and he went outside our tent and peed on the side of it. Then he didn't remember it the next day and thought we were off our rockers for claiming that he did.

Mr. Daddy said...

what happens in sandland stays in sandland...LOL

Rachel said...

Okay - first I was just totally stunned by the story. And amused.
Then I was totally shocked by how many other moms have had this happen to them too! I mean, their KIDS randomly peeing, ha ha.

And I'm not about to share my own childhood story of sleepwalking, it's still too traumatic, LOL.

Totally chuckling - this one is CLASSIC!

Kim said...

Oh my, that is too funny. Good thing you were awake to witness so you get it cleaned up.

I hope you can figure out what to get Miss Lily, its especially hard when they can't tell you what they want either!

Nocona said...

Had that happen. My little boy went into his sister's closest and thought it was the bathroom. He sleep walks.

Kari said...

That is hilarious!!! Isn't it amazing how they are clueless when they are 'sleepwalking'. Bella has done the sleepwalking thing a few times (no peeing on the floor though :o) and I have get in her face and clap hard and say her name over and over really loud to snap her out of it! I'm laughing thinking of you watching him while he's doing this... Ah, the joys of motherhood.