Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Mugs - 3

Are you in need of a mindless Monday Blog post? Are you struggling to deal with the weekend being over and can't muster the strength to type a single word? Well, Monday Mugs is for YOU! I may or may not "borrow" ideas from IheartFaces and post my interpretation of their weekly theme. Without submitting my photo for judgement and without being forced to follow the rules.

Mondays are hard! Blogging on Mondays shouldn't be!

Today's theme for Monday Mugs is: 3

All of the Cuties on the day they turned 3. In Birth Order.




If you are in need of a simple Monday post, JOIN ME! Grab my
button from the sidebar and link up your own post!

Monday Mugs will be taking a little break for the next 2 weeks while the older Cuties are on Fall Break. We will be back on October 17th and the theme will be: Fabulous Fall


Lindy said...

Love em at that age... Oh yeah, I just love em! They grow up too fast.

Kmama said...

So sweet! I love the half baby/half pre-schooler look at age 3. It's when they really start growing up. *sniff*

Brandi said...

Awww, they do start looking like little people when they turn 3! Sooooo cute!

P.S. - I am super impressed with your photo-organization and the ability to pull these pics up of all the kids!

Mrs. M said...

What a great series of pictures - 3 is when they start looking so much more grown up. My the youngest is always still our baby.

Kim said...

For some reason I could only see Daisy. I love your take on 3 so creative.

Foursons said...

The only one showing up for me is Daisy. :( She sure is a cutie though!

I had to change the URL to my blog. It is now instead of .net. Long story. I'll share soon on my blog.

Pam Bowers said...

Such adorable cherubic faces.

Foursons said...

*sigh* Make that

Rachel said...

Aww - your kids are all so photogenic! I love that age!