Today when the kids got home from school, all they could talk about was how excited they were that it was Thanksgiving.
I said "I don't know why you guys are so excited, you don't even like Thanksgiving food!"
Bailey said "I know Mom, I'm a Human Bean. I don't even like Thanksgiving food!"
Yes, I saw last night that Marianne is not doing WWYCSW this week and next. It was a great post today anyway. I think there used to be stuffed animals called Human Beans.
Human "bean". TOO FUNNY!!
I think I may still say bean. Being is a hard word to say!
Of course he is! Didn't you know :o)
Hey, yay on 54 followers! Woohoo!
What a cutie. That was too funny. I love your new picture on the side bar. Cute.
Ditto, exactly what Mimi said!
Yes, I saw last night that Marianne is not doing WWYCSW this week and next. It was a great post today anyway. I think there used to be stuffed animals called Human Beans.
Have a fantasic Thanksgiving!
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