We ate at fun restaurants where Daisy entertained every one with her Linda Blair impression: No pictures!
We got a special pass to enjoy a lounge at the hotel that served breakfast, snacks and drinks where my rowdy bunch probably should not have been invited: No pictures!
We stayed in a beautiful room that was big enough for a queen sized air mattress to accommodate our many children. The room also had a huge walk-in closet where we were able to set up Daisy's bed so she could sleep in peace while the rest of us watched tv. I meant to get pictures of the room but all I ended up with was shots of the kids in this cool orange chair:
Usually, Daisy does not enjoy the pool but even she had fun cooling off in the water.
Does that look like a baby who's been sick?
Shots from the bottom of the slide.
Daisy waving to the kids as they exited the waterslide.
Two of my favorite shots: Bailey's obvious joy and just Ashton's feet as he flew out of the slide.
We had SO much fun and can't wait to try a new place next year!
Have a great weekend every one!