*I am re-using a post I published back in October along with a little update at the end. If you have already seen this, please feel free to skip to the end!*
I know you have all been dying to know how I dispose of diapers, right? RIGHT?! Simmer down! I will tell you!
I have been changing diapers for 10 years. Ten joyful, fun-filled years! How to dispose of the diapers has always been a dilemma!
With Lily we had the Diaper Genie. I liked the concept and enjoyed spinning the diapers around. I don’t know if it was just the 2000 model, but I didn’t think it worked well at hiding the delicious diaper smell! We donated it to an "expecting" family member.
Then, twice the babies equals twice the smell. So we thought it would be funny to throw the boys' diapers in the kitchen garbage can. This worked fine until we had to throw something else away and when we lifted the lid horrific smells would blast us in the face and linger/spread through the kitchen. That kind of stench does not belong in the kitchen.
With Daisy, I started by just putting the diapers in a grocery bag that was hanging on the back of her bedroom door. Pretty soon that started stinking up her room and I knew that something needed to be done! Here is my solution:
I got this 3 gallon metal step-on garbage can and put it under the sink in the kids’ bathroom. Let me just tell you that this is a dream come true! There are 3 layers of nasty odor protection. First, the garbage can lid keeps diapers and their stench inside the can. Second, the cupboard adds an extra stink barrier. And third, if things are smellin' really rotten, we can just close the bathroom door. Also, since these kinds of odors routinely emanate from the bathroom it is not so devastating when the diapers are especially smelly!
While we’re on the subject of diapers, has anyone had babies that remove their own diapers and leave special treats in their cribs or on bedroom floors? Oh! My boys LOVED to disrobe themselves! One morning I walked in and one of them was peeing through the bars of their crib. Another time, someone had left brown smudges on the bed, sheets and down the wall with an unusual surprise on the floor. We remedied this situation by duct taping their diapers. Problem solved.
Here is Daisy modeling the darling duct taped diaper look. I am such a dope and never took pictures of the boys with their duct taped diapers! Bad Mommy! I just smacked my hand!
Daisy was duct taped for the sole purpose of being photographed. And as you can see from the photo she says "rock on" to duct tape!
My Grandma wrote a funny poem about twins and their mischievous activities. The poem was inspired by actual events that were carried out by my twins and my Mom’s twins.
Duct Tape Diapers
Terrible-two twins
(Mom’s immediate melodrama)
Have psychic connections
That double the trouble
Without a word
Or using their unique private language
“A” opens pantry door, “B” pushes in stool.
Soon both are eating five kinds of cereal off the floor.
(Mom puts a lock on the pantry).
“A” finds Mom’s lipstick, “B” smears it on four shoe soles.
Both gleefully tramp across the white carpet.
(Mom finances a new rug and stops wearing lipstick).
“A” opens a box of margarine, “B” takes off the wrappers.
Dining room wall makes a canvas for “oil” painting.
(Mom gets a prescription for Prozac).
Early morning
“A” and “B” commune about stripping down bare-naked.
Soon cribs and clothes and kids are turd-dotted.
(From then on Mom duct tapes the diapers).
Isn’t that fantastic! I love it!!
P.S. Since I wrote this post, Daisy has decided that she likes to take off her clothes AND messy diapers while she is in bed. It looks like duct-tape might be in her future. I think I saw some different colored tape at the store the other day (besides gray). Pink would look nice!
After the previous incident, Daisy did not keep up with the diaper disasters, until a few weeks ago. Now she is a Diaper Houdini! The pink duct tape WAS purchased and is working very well!
It's a little bit hard to see the cute pink strips. Daisy was not interested in posing to show off her diaper! She was much to busy checking herself out in the mirror while she danced to Lily's musical card!