When Lily turned 7 years old, she decided that she wanted to get her ears pierced. DaddyO and I thought it would be a good birthday present so we took her to get it done. Once she hopped in the chair the tears and hysterics began. I was really loving that it seemed like we were forcing her to get her ears pierced! Lily survived the drama and she left the store with pretty little flower earrings. Due to all the commotion, I didn't get any pictures.
This is one of the only pics I have of Lily with her ears pierced.
Shortly after the piercings, DaddyO and I went on a little trip to Hawaii. Without Kids! I was so excited to shop around for some new earrings for Lily and I was on a mission to find a starfish pair (anyone see Aquamarine?).
After much searching I did find a pair of starfish earrings and not long after our trip, it was time for Lily to remove the original studs and start wearring regular earrings. We tried the starfish pair first and of course her ears became incredibley infected! I had to take the earrings out and Lily absolutely refused to let me put anything back in! So, the holes closed up.
Fast forward to Lily's 10th birthday (that's how long it took to recover from the first piercing). Lily received a gift certificate to Claire's. I casually mentioned that she could use it to get her ears pierced. She thought about it for a few days and finally decided that she DID want to get her ears pierced again. We took her to the mall and she picked out a pair of earrings that were almost identical to the pair she picked out when she was 7.
There were no hysterics, but there were a few tears!
There was still the feeling that everyone else in the store thought I was forcing her to get her ears pierced!
But, she survived and happily ended up with pretty pierced ears!
Then she paid for her siblings to ride this little merry-go-round.
Once Upon a Miracle to read more true stories!